Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I spent today cleaning up and doing laundry so that our weekend guests won't think we're disgusting. I also had to return some library books. And run a couple errands. I've decided that these dad jeans are okay for wearing while cleaning and running around. I would not want to wear them to meet anyone on whom I wished to make a favorable impression. Unfortunately, while I was out running around today I received an email inviting me to attend a lecture given by Beverly Gordon, the author of this book. I didn't want to miss out on the chance to hear Ms. Gordon speak, and I'm glad I didn't, but this is not the outfit I would have chosen to wear to meet her. So I guess there's something to be said for making a bit more effort- you never know who you're going to meet when you're wearing your housekeeping oufit.


  1. You looked very nice even though you think it is just a housekeeping outfit. Just a suggestion, with the addition of a scarf and unrolling the jeans, you can have a very unhousekeeping outfit that would be great anywhere. (Regardless, you still look nice.)
    Considering what most people wear out nowdays, I think you were probably one of the best dressed people at the lecture.

  2. HA! I was thinking the exact same thing Debbi! (about what most people wear out these days ) This outfit is colorful, trendy and clean. Love the bright blue.

  3. I know what you mean about the unexpected. And I also know what you mean about cleaning for guests. It's nice to have them occasionally just to have the house cleaned well.

  4. You look totally cute! Love the dad jeans with the slip on tennies and that pretty blue cardi.
