Friday, October 28, 2011

Introducing...the articulated enamel necklace.

This is part of a set, actually.

There are matching screw-back earrings which I can't wear because of the enlarged holes in my ears. I love my eyelets, but I do miss wearing earrings. If I'm honest, I have to admit that I probably wouldn't wear this necklace and matching earrings together anyway, but on occasion, having the option of wearing earrings might be fun. And shouldn't one of the benefits of having super short hair be showing off awesome earrings?

The seriously adorable Becky of Becky Lee Dreams manages to make all kinds of earrings work with stretched earlobes- in fact she even has a tutorial for this on her blog. I need to start wearing earrings again. If there's one thing I won't stand for it's a self imposed fashion limitation. Expect to see earrings here soon.

I've worn this dress, in pretty much exactly the same way, a couple of times already. I chose to wear it again today because, of all the things I own, it makes me feel like a fashion blogger. This was important because I was a guest lecturer in a textiles class- talking about "Fashion Subjectivity and New Media."  Specifically, how the user generated content of *What-I-Wore-Today* style blogs is broadening the definition of who is a fashion subject.  This is my master's thesis research project so I'm passionate about the material I presented. I had some major technical difficulties with my presentation and didn't get use the PowerPoint I spent hours preparing. I didn't have any visual aids or pretty pictures of other bloggers. It was just me, alone, at the front of the class. Thank goodness I liked my outfit!

In a side note, I had a bizarre experience walking to campus in this outfit. While crossing the street, a guy in a truck cut me off. I gave him a big smile as a way of saying, "No big deal. I'm not mad," and continued on my way without giving it another thought. Then suddenly there's the guy in the truck again. He'd circled the block and was keeping pace with me, smiling and sort of nodding at me. I was completely flummoxed by the situation and not sure what to do. I chose to ignore it completely. This worked actually, as he followed me for a while and then gave up (on what? I'm not sure) and turned the corner. But I was concerned for a while- did he think I looked like a prostitute? What do prostitutes look like in Davis? At 10 o'clock in the morning? Was it the boots? Or may he just thought I was someone he knew? Curious.

1 comment:

  1. Aww thanks for the shout-out! Good luck with the earrings :) Yeah, you totally gotta take advantage of the short-hair-with-earrings look. I find I've been wearing dangly earrings less now that I'm growing out my hair.

    Love that dress :D
