Friday, December 9, 2011

I often have days like this...

But I don't often post on those days. This is what I look like when I am running late, can't get out of bed, and need to be somewhere in twenty minutes:

No shower, no makeup, and yes, that is the same sweater I wore yesterday. The feather beret is kind of a lifesaver, in my opinion. It always makes a thrown together casual outfit look like I put much more thought into it than I really did. It also hides the bed head.

I'm still technically a student until I get my thesis written, so I'm still allowed to indulge in typical student behaviors- I sleep late, I don't wash, I arrive at appointments with just moments to spare. I'm going to miss this life when I have to rejoin the working world.


  1. You look very put together and very good in a hat. Love the shoes.

  2. I definitely don't think it looks like you are having one of those days. You look really pulled together and cute! I love the hat!
